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Around The World In 80m!

A recent conversation with a customer regarding the size of the UK tiling Market went along the lines of ‘who is the biggest in terms of adhesive volume in the UK’? I think I took him by surprise when I immediately replied, “we are” (Palace Chemicals), to which I then qualified that with the following:

When it comes to making tile adhesive, Palace Chemicals can safely say that they produce more adhesive than any other independent manufacturer in the whole of the UK! And that’s not even taking the Ready for Use products into account. Its only based on powdered adhesive.

Palace manufactured and supplied enough powdered tile adhesive last year to tile 80 million linear meters of tiles. If this is a difficult figure to comprehend; In other words, enough adhesive to tile around the world! Not just once, but twice!!

With our fully automated filling / packing lines (giving us rapid turnaround on orders), we have the diversity to supply over 25 different types of product, ranging from slow setting & fast setting adhesives to S2 and lightweight high yield adhesives. Giving you total confidence that Palace Chemicals can supply the product you need that is backed up with a quality assurance system accredited by the BSI to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 18001. Giving assurance in our products that thousands of tradesmen choose day in week out.

………So, going back to the original question & answer; This gives you a small insight into what Palace Chemicals is capable of (and we are still growing). The next goal is tiling to the Moon (and back)!

For more details on our Ready Mixed Adhesives click here and for Cement Based/Powdered Adhesives click here. For enquiries or orders email us here. Or give us a call on 0151 3369 111 for more information on our product ranges.