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New Products

Listening to the customer and anticipating market demands

Palace Chemicals, like most other manufacturing businesses, sends out a lot of marketing information and details of our products. The message that generally comes across is about the growth of the existing range. There’s nothing wrong with that, it helps us to grow as a business and helps our customers to grow their business as well. We all need to keep doing what we can to ensure our business and our people are economically and physically safe through these uncertain times, particularly as lockdown is gradually eased.

As one of the UK’s largest independent manufacturers of Tiling, Building & DIY products, Palace Chemicals has the capability, technology and capacity to launch any product type into our industry – but that isn’t what makes us different. It’s the way we go about it that makes Palace Chemicals unique.

The age old adage of using the two things we were given is really our point of difference. Our ears and our eyes. We’ve used our ears and listened to our customers – both current and potential. We’ve used our eyes to look at what is right for our customers, not in terms of what fits to complement our existing range, but what is needed. “What we know” and “What is wanted” are two very different things.

Having had a chance to assess the market, the requirements of the here and now as well as the future, we’ve developed new products that meet the market need. We’re now producing a range of products for our customers that are seeing us fighting to keep up with demand. We’re listening to our customers and anticipating the need, and adjusting to suit.

Want to know more about our new products? Why not visit our website and see what we’ve been up to with our new ranges that the market have asked for.

For enquiries or orders email us here. Or give us a call on 0151 3369 111 for more information on our vast product range.