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Is Water Penetrating Your Masonry?

If you have water penetrating your exterior brickwork due to dampness, which would usually occur on north facing walls, Palace Chemicals has the answer; Treat your walls with Palace Waterseal.

Palace Waterseal comes in spirit (Waterseal) and water-based form (Aqueous Waterseal), designed to be brushed or sprayed applied with 2 coats to your exterior brickwork to form a waterproof barrier. Both products will not affect the appearance of the brickwork and will still let the brickwork breathe.

It’s always best to check any leaking guttering first and make any necessary repairs, as well as to make sure the pointing is sound on the brickwork before applying. If you are spraying around windows it’s always a good idea to mask them off with some newspaper so the spray does not go directly onto the windows, which will cause them to smear. This also applies to any decorative flooring area you don’t wish to be treated.

The Aqueous Waterseal can be applied onto damp brickwork, whereas the Waterseal is best used after 2 consecutive dry days. Allow 2-3 hours between coats.

If water is allowed to penetrate the brickwork, it can become damaged due to the water freezing and thawing (expanding and contracting), causing damage to the surface. Waterseal will stop this happening and once treated, will last for up to 7 years. An easy job for most DIY enthusiasts. Always remember to wear the right protective PPE when applying.

Simple solutions for real life problems! For more details on our Waterseal solutions click here. For enquiries or orders email us here. Or give us a call on 0151 3369 111 for more information on our product ranges.